Lutz, Cora Elizabeth, 1906-

Essays on Manuscripts and Rare Books / Cora E. Lutz - Connecticut, EE.UU. : Archon Books, 1975. - 177 páginas il.

I. Early manuscript fragments : Manuscript fragment from Bede's Monastery -- Manuscript of Charlemagne's: Homiliarium -- A bifolium from the Sacramentarium Gregorianum -- II. Medieval texts : A mediebval textbook -- Johannes Climacus' Ladder of Divine Ascent -- Walter Burley' De Vita et Moribus Philosophorum -- The apocryphal Abgarus-Jesus epistles in England in the Middle Ages -- A fourteenth-century argument for an international date lane -- III. Renaissance scholarship : Note on St. Basil's Adress on Reading Greek Literature -- Aesticapianus' edition of the Tabula attributed to Cebes -- Aesticapianus' commentary on the De Grammatica of Martianus Capella -- IV. Bishop Dubravius, Bohemian Humanist : Bishop Dubravius on fishponds a diamond and a Dürer in Dubravius' commentary on Martianus Capella -- The Theriobulia of Jan Dubravius -- V. Early printed books : Manuscripts copied from prinsted books -- An unusual educational device of Aldus Manitius -- Notes -- Original printing of essays -- List of manuscripts consulted -- List of early books consulted -- Index.


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