Winterich, John Tracy, 1891-1970

The annual of bookmaking : 1927 - 1937 / - New York : The Colophon, 1938. - [?] p. : ill. - Annual

Binding design / W. A. Dwiggins -- Title-page design / Rockwell Kent -- Foreword / J. T. Winterich -- American Institute of Graphic Arts of Graphic Arts, New York -- University of California Press, Berkeley -- Alfred A. Knopf, New York -- University of North Carolina Press, Chapell Hill -- Rydall Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico -- Simon & Schuster, New York -- Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts -- Wolff Book Manufacting Co., New York -- Walpole Printing Office, Mount Vernon -- Derrydale Press, New York -- Paul McPharlin, Birmingham -- Hawthorn House, Windham -- George Grady Press, New York -- Ward Ritchie Press, L.A. -- Yale University Press, New Haven -- Lanston Monotype Machine Co. -- Taylor & Taylor -- Press of the Woolly Whale -- Haddon Craftman -- Limited Editions Club -- Overbook press -- Mergenthaler Linotype Co. -- University of Oklahoma Press - Penyson Printers.

sn 77020558

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