Reiner, Imre, 1900-1987.

Modern and historical typography : An illustrated guide / By Imre Reiner - 3a ed. en inglés - St. Gall : Zollikofer, 1948. - 120 p. : 160 il. (incl. facs.)

"Copyright 1944 by Zollikofer and Company St. Gall. Printed in Switzerland."

The title-page -- Trade and business cards -- The ornament in typography -- Cartouches and vignettes -- Masters of caligraphy-- Johan Michael Fleischmann -- Calligraphy and typography -- Typography and advertising -- Labels and trade-marks -- Notes (typograpgic miscellany.

Colección Fernández Blanco

Artes gráficas

    Casa Ampersand,
    Ombú 3091,
    CABA, Argentina
    +5411 4809-8614/8618

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